Summary and Tafseer of Quran in Ramadan
Daily video lectures covering Summary of complete Quran, and detailed Tafseer of selected verses were given by Dr…
The Worldly Life: A Trial for Man
The Worldly Life: A Trial for Man
by Dr. Khalid Zaheer
The worldly life of ours, which is a very short duration…
Is homosexuality forbidden in Islam?
Is indulgence in, and practice of, homosexuality forbidden in Islam? Straight people satisfy their urges through…
Polygamy, living a bachelor, parent with incorrect beliefs
a) Why is polygamy allowed in Islam?
b) Can I live in a non-Muslim country, being in my early forties as a mother…
People’s suffering meant to be lesson for others?
I would like to express my appreciation on your article "Experiences, Questions, Analyses" , which I have just…
Celebrating Prophet’s Birthday
AA, Celebrating Prophet’s Birthday/ Milad in a way we normally celebrate in Pakistan – cutting cake, distributing…