Summary and Tafseer of Quran in Ramadan
Daily video lectures covering Summary of complete Quran, and detailed Tafseer of selected verses were given by Dr…
Why Quran is recited out loud in some prayers, and not in others
What is the idea behind the imam reciting the Quran in a louder voice during fajr, maghrib and isha but not during…
Does smoking break the wudhu?
Does smoking break the wudhu?
Although smoking is not advisable because it is not good for your health nor…
Do ex wives (divorced) have any right to the ex husbands assets?
Do ex wives (divorced) have any right to the ex husbands assets at the time of divorce and/or his death post…
Tayammum on a Regular Basis
I am very allergic to water. I suffer with cold most of the times. Would it be acceptable for me to substitute wudu…
Blind faith in religions including Islam
We do know that Islam is the only true religion but that's exactly what Christians and Jews say about their…