Summary and Tafseer of Quran in Ramadan
Daily video lectures covering Summary of complete Quran, and detailed Tafseer of selected verses were given by Dr…
Is going for tabligh for a fixed period of time a form of bid’ah
Isn't the practice of going on Tabligh for 40 days, or 4 months a bid'ah (religious innovation). A person related…
Decision of the US Supreme Court to legalize Same Gender marriages?
How would you respond to the decision of the US Supreme Court to legalize same-gender marriages?
Can a woman travel without a male mahram?
Can a woman travel without a male mahram? Can you give the evidence supporting your stance?
The question…
Can laws of nature and the ‘sunnah’ of God be violated by God’s actions?
Before I ask you my question, I would like you to read the following conversation of Mr. Ghamidi with a caller in a…
The Concept of Jihad as Quran reveals it
Yes, nations were destroyed for their wrong belief systems and unjust societies. For either not heeding to Allah's…