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Youtube on Mawlana Tariq Jameel Removed

Why has the Youtube on Mawlana Tariq Jameel’s criticism on Ghamidi Sahib been removed after it was available on your site for sometime?


A few well-wishers objected that my recent youtubes weren’t exactly in line with the morally high standards Al-Mawrid has maintained in dealing with scholars belonging to other points of view.
The case was taken to Ghamidi Sahib for his opinion. He thought that while it was okay to mention the names of contemporary scholars in our presentations, provided the tone was academic and not insulting and polemic, he hated the idea that he should be defended against criticism made on him.
It was therefore decided that while my youtube commenting on Mawlana Tariq Jameel’s slighting remarks on Ghamidi Sahib shall be removed, the others criticising individuals and organisations in the light of Islamic teachings shall be retained.
I also apologise to those readers who believe that I shouldn’t criticise any individual or organisation by naming them. The fact of the matter is that unless you name an individual or organisation, people don’t normally understand what exactly is being talked about. However, one should avoid using insulting remarks and unsubstantiated allegations while criticising others.
When I felt that I was moving slightly into the latter territory in my blog “The Story Goes On”, I avoided using names. The blog still remains one of the more controversial ones in site.