Faith Why Do People Suffer Despite Seeking Allah’s Help ? Dr Khalid Zaheer Aug 10, 2017 May God forgive me for being so confused and upset but, i don't understand how a hafiz e Quran could get kidnapped…
Worship Hadith stating reward of dua after obligatory ( fard ) prayer… Dr Khalid Zaheer Jul 21, 2017 Somebody once told me of a hadith which suggests that one of the best supplications (dua) is one that is done after…
Faith Can Allah make a stone that even He cannot lift? Dr Khalid Zaheer Jul 17, 2017 An atheist recently asked me if I believed that Allah was "Almighty" and "All-Knowing". Since I believe that to be…
Faith Imam Mehdi Dr Khalid Zaheer Jul 17, 2017 Shia Muslims commonly believe that there is an Imam (Imam Mehdi), who is there in ghaibat (unseen) and He will come…
Faith Understanding Intercession in Hereafter Dr Khalid Zaheer Jul 14, 2017 Concerning intercession, why would Allah ask someone to say on somebody else's behalf when He knows what He is…
Worship Is it necessary to make God one’s top priority ? Dr Khalid Zaheer Jul 12, 2017 Professor Ahmad Rafique Akhtar is famous Sufist. During his lectures conveyed the message that " If you want to…
Faith How do we know that Islam is God’s message? Dr Khalid Zaheer Jul 7, 2017 I am a Muslim by birth and a doctor by profession. I pray five times a day and try to follow the Islamic way of…
Worship Is reward of the prayer of a young person more than an old… Dr Khalid Zaheer Jun 19, 2017 Is it true that rewards for prayers of a young man are much more than those of an old man? If yes, then what is the…
Worship While the Imam Delivers his Khutba Dr Khalid Zaheer Jun 17, 2017 Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said, "When the Imam is delivering the Khutba, and you ask your…
Worship Is Rejecting Rituals While Maintaining Spirit Okay ? Dr Khalid Zaheer Jun 12, 2017 The problem is that Salah or worshiping and praising God is the basic ideology of Islam, but its specific method is…